Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shiny, Happy Hair

For a while now I've been on a mission for long, healthy, shiny hair. The long part is just genetics and perhaps diet, but I'm not there just yet. As for the healthy shiny part, I've been doing a couple things for the last year and it's been proven to actually work.

My hair used to be very prone to split ends once it hit the shoulder mark, and pretty lack-lustre near the ends. I would also end up with a ring of dry scalp around my crown which often looked like dandruff and not the dry skin that it was. So following some research on the web, and some advice from a beauty expert friend of mine, I've put together a bit of a routine to help feed my hair to be shiny and so far, split end free. So I thought I'd share this with those of you who were having the same issues or wanted a little something to add to get that shiny, commercial hair look.

I found that using the typical commercial brand shampoos really dried out my hair and scalp. They were too strong and definitely stripped the moisture out of my scalp. So since changing to an organic/natural brand of shampoo it's gotten better. I use the Jason brand of shampoo. I can't really comment much on that shampoo just yet, but I'll be sure to blog a little more about it in the future.

After shampooing, I add 1-2 drops of jojoba oil to the conditioner and leave it on for the duration of soaping and rinsing the rest of my body. That way it gives the conditioner and jojoba oil some time to set in. Jojoba oil is actually very similar to the natural sebum that your skin naturally excretes. So it's pretty close to what your scalp is used to and needs to keep moisturized.

After you're done rinsing your body and hair, towel dry (not too rough) and then add a squirt of Moroccan Oil to the ends. This seals the ends and helps to prevent any split ends from developing. Warning: it might not seem like a lot of oil that you're using especially if you have a lot of hair, but a little goes a long way. You'll find out how little you need once your hair dries. A little too much will make your hair quite greasy. Comb through and if you have to, blow dry on med heat or cool, if you can handle it, from the top of the hair shaft. Style as usual and you'll notice shiny, healthier looking hair almost instantly.

This seems like a lot but with all the physical and environmental damage, and chemical damage depending on your shampoo, your hair will thank you for it.

Try it out and tell me what you think!
Til later :)

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